Thursday, December 4, 2008

The Production Office

ah "The Production Office"
This is a video assignment that we did for Peter Siedl, the good man in charge of ORGB 2510 (Organizational Behavior)

I must thank my awesome group members: Jordan, Geoff, & Ryan for sparing 4 hours of their time in making this happen.
I am very happy with the finished product, i have no complaints.
it is in the style of "The Office"

We chose to do "Power & Influence" tactics
something we learned that can be applied to a common work place.
i won't explain any further, i'll let the video do the work.

CLICK HERE: The Production Office

P.S i've reloaded all the videos in Youtube now.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

it is finally over! (Production Planning project that is)

I'm finished with the Production book!
it's been a wild ride and an awesome experience.

here's the low down:
Our instructor gave us 70 days to do this project, this included planning the commercial (storyboards, contacting talent, location scouting etc.) and hammering each individuals section of the book (a mighty big one, i might add) down.

its been a long journey into the world of production planning.
but I'm happy to say that i am finally finished!
I've gained a vast amount of knowledge, on how this industry works, and how precise you have to be in order for things to work and run smoothly.

im not saying that i left till the last minute, but if I knew what i was getting myself into, i would have gotten a head start on my section earlier. The book is huge!

this was a huge learning experience, i was blessed with a rockin' team and and in the end, we came out with an awesome product!

click for the "Ugg: Find Your Sole Mate" commercial

Thursday, November 13, 2008

not too shabby

got my results back for my edit practicum
and my camera & lighting practicum
80% & 81%.
it was the small mistakes that cost me in the end.
things that you don't even think of, got me.
I wasn't THAT nervous, I'm often calm and collective at these things.
but I was sweating like heck!

glad that is all over with.

these things can happen in the real world (machines messing up) it is good that we are being trained on how to troubleshot the equipment we use.

until next time!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

makes you want to drink more milk

Something i found in the archives

this has to be the 2nd time we got to use the cameras @ BCIT.
for some of the shots we used a stool as a "poor mans" dolly, SUPERB!!
i learned that you don't need thousands of dollars for high tech equipment.
use whatever you find, and apply it to your work!
looking back on this i thought we did a darn good job.

CLICK HERE for the commercial

Thursday, October 9, 2008

"Greetings Earthlings...

...we have now taken over your blog"

Let me first introduce myself, my name is Peter Nguyen, and i am a first year Television Broadcast student!
Some of my interests include: movies, DJ'ing & cooking, expect a couple posts about them
So for next 2 years here at B.C.I.T, I will try my best to entertain my readers with interesting posts.

Robert Rodriguez is one of my favorite directors
I will leave you with something interesting to watch
Here is part 1 of 2 of "Robert Rodriguez' 10 minute film school"